Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Howdy to all my fans and thousands of readers!

I haven't taken any pics lately, so nothing to post in the picture department.  As already established, I get better looking every day, so I tend to make most people really uncomfortable and dissatisfied with themselves if I post too many pics.  Oh that terrible GREEN monster that overcomes my viewers.  All I can say is... don't hate me because I am sooooo much HOTTER than you.  You can thank me later for not posting the pics and making you feel inferior.  Okay... enough of the B.S., on to some real stuff.

My wittle baby boy, Elder Jordan Alvarez, hit his one year anniversary as a missionary on Halloween.  I'm so looking forward to talking to him on Christmas.  For any of you non-mormons out there, please be kind to the missionaries that come knocking on your door.  They have moms like me that pray for them every day.  You don't have to listen to them if you don't want, but be kind in sending them on their way please!

Jade survived his first trimester of high school, and I survived my first trimester of the school year.  We're one third of the way through!  Yeeee hawwww!  Not that anyone is counting down the school year.  *Ahem*

Jace is enjoying life at the Junior High, and hopes to play some basketball once the season starts.  

Just a short "catcher-upper" post.  Life is good!


mary said...

jackie lee los comentario y escribe a mi correo o blogger estoy anciosa de saber de ti despues de tanto tiempo siempre te recuerdo como una gran amiga mary carmen

mary said...

viva chile
mision viña del mar

T. Hansen said...

It's hard to believe Jordan has been out 14 months already! How was the Christmas phone call? I know we always looked forward to any chance to talk to our son. Hope you had a great Christmas did you spoil Jade and Jace? ;-)

La Profa said...

I'm slow at answering your questions, but now he's been out 16 months. Time really does fly by. The phone call... ahhhh... what a delight. So much fun to hear his voice and just get caught up to date.

Our christmas was just dandy, and the answer to whether I spoiled the boys would be different depending on the answerer... I say yup, they say... what? no way!

Take care! =)