Hey... fun news! Jordan got transferred from being an English speaking missionary to being a Spanish speaking missionary! How cool is that? Now... if only he knew Spanish. Ha, ha. Just kidding, but he'll have a lot more learning to do.
What One Year means...
10 years ago
Que fantástico. ¡El español es la mejor lengua en el mundo! Excuse my Spanish...its been a long time!
Espanol es la mejor lengua en el mundo? Formidable! (I don't know how to do accents)
So Jordan finally did go Spanish. How much foundation does he have? Hopefully, more than I did.
Sí, el español es el mejor idioma del mundo. Claro que sí.
How much of a foundation does Jordan have? Well... he took 3 years of Spanish from me, and he's traveled to Chile and Spain, where he had to use the language. Before his mission he understood quite a bit of conversational Spanish, and was able to respond in "tortured" but understandable Spanish. So... with the help of the Holy Ghost I'm confident he'll get along. He didn't have the benefit of the MTC language courses, but I'm keepin' my fingers (and toes) crossed!
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